SHOCKING: 2 Of The Worst Foods That Make You Fat!


We aren't going to be talking about trans fats and HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) today. I figure that is getting beat into your heads enough by just about everyone these days. In case you hadn't heard yet though, please do your body a favor and stop eating and drinking things containing these so that you can get rid of that blubber.

Let's talk about a few other items that might be "secretly" packing on the fat without you even knowing it. I want to start with wheat products, yep, whole wheat products that you will find in most cereals, bread, muffins, bagels, crackers, pasta, and the list goes on.

Most people have some sort of intolerance to the gluten in wheat products and celiacs have the worst reaction to it. The problem with this is, is that the human digestive system has never adapted to the large quantities of wheat in most diets. In the 1900s is when wheat consumption really to a JUMP! This time frame of the last hundred years is pretty short and the digestive system of the early hunters and gathers that was created has never adapted since their diets typically had fresh fish and meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

To get rid of the symptoms associated with a high intake of wheat products and help burn belly fat I have suggested to all my personal clients and people I do health coaching with to eliminate wheat and give sprouted grains a try. I HIGHLY recommend Ezekiel brand products. They make awesome sprouted grain cereals, pasta, bread, and tortillas. There is quite a difference in results seen when people make this switch!

The second example of fattening food is another one that is thought to be healthy but actually helps pack on and keep body fat and this is "healthy" fruit juice. The concentrate of fruit you are consuming in these healthy fruit juices is ridiculous and typically packed with very high calories and high sugar content.

When this happens you leave all the other vital nutrients from some of the fruits. I recommend sticking to avocado, tomato, lemon, lime, and grapefruit if you are going to have fruits.

If you are going to eat the rest of the fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries, etc treat them like a dessert and eat them on occasion in small amounts to save your body the trouble of breaking down excess sugar that will result in fat gain.

Orange juice and apple juice are probably two of the worst in my opinion. The bottom line here folks is that over-consumption of fruit juice WILL MAKE YOU FAT! Stick to a balanced diet of foods that are not processed, frozen, or manufactured.

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Satria Putra Widjaya

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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